In this week's sermon we looked at how Paul the missionary engaged with people and culture in his sermon to the people in Athens (Acts 17). In this passage we see Paul disturbed by parts of the culture and affirming other parts. We see him studying and listening to the culture; looking for bridges of connection in his desire to preach the good news of Jesus and the resurrection.
1. When first arriving in Athens, Paul was "greatly distressed" by the idols. In the same way, he says in Romans 12:9 that "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Discuss what it means and what it looks like to sincerely love all people while also hating what is evil.
2. In the passage we saw Paul making a connection with the people through their art and culture. Historically Christians have often condemned all of "non-christian" culture, and separated from it, which has prevent us from having the kind of ministry that Paul models here. How can we engage with the culture around us, embracing, affirming and connecting with what is good, while at the same time not letting ourselves become compromised.
3. After making a connection with the people and affirming what is good, only then does Paul speak truth that calls the people to turn from their ways. Discuss how we can know when the time is right to speak this kind of truth?